I once was a child, life was full of joy and happy moments. Growing up was never easy, living in the world surrounded by people with opinions, perceptions and experiences. Dreaming and making wishes that I prayed to God to align with his plans for my life. I was a child full of love, dreams and bright future. At this point and time, looking back at my life as a child; I can proudly say it was a long journey with ups and downs. I don’t remember a day that went by without me thinking of how I want see myself accomplishing my goals and live my dreams.
Life is what we make out of ourselves regardless of obstacles and challenges that may arise. I never gave up until today; to me this day is more like a wakeup call. I’ve never felt empty like how I’m currently felling now. Everything seems to be dilapidating right under my nose but then again somebody out there looking at me from a distance may conclude that all is well with me. All I can say right now is your thoughts must remain your opinions until you get to know my story.

 I don’t want to be a critic of my own life but I want to lead a life of my own without judgements discrimination from my peers who have their own flaws. I owe it to myself to put happiness first. This is how I see it, happiness is joy and compassion you shared with your inner self during the trying times that made you feel the importance of life to oneself. It is up to you, whether or not to take a u-turn for better or for worse. I’m in charge and that simply means, whatever I decide today will always have an impact in my life forever.
Sounding strong doesn’t mean I’m powerful; I won’t kill myself trying to please someone that didn’t give me life to begin with. All I  can say is, evaluate the people around you today, maybe it’s time to promote, demote or terminate; all the liabilities must be let go. When they wrote you off and had breakfast discussing you. When they agree on destroying you.....little did they know that your 3rd day is coming like Jesus Christ, you will rise again....trust you me....I’m risen.