
Showing posts with the label Kicky Khumalo


Slovaz; The Yizo Yizo Kwaito Veteran Returns With Hit Single Titled "Remember God"

A beneficiary of the era where ‘Igoli’ was indeed the city of gold, Slovaz received his industry recognition in a time where the South African entertainment industry was breaking boundaries and creating television history.  Born Kicky Khumalo , the Kwamashu native encapsulates the lifeblood  of Kwaito through authentic music virtuoso. Nearly 17 years in the making and perfecting of his craft, Slovaz has been in the exciting field of music and television since 2001.  In 2004 he appeared in the controversial local drama Yizo Yizo 3. Th ere he played a character of himself, a young man from KwaMashu, coming to Jozi to pursue his dreams and ambitions of breaking into the entertainment industry and starting a music empire.  He was also featured on the soundtrack of Yizo yizo 3, with his big hit “Sho Sgebengu” which led him to work on a full album with revered producer D-Rex. And in 2005 he released his debut album titled Impilo Kalova where he featured Kwaito heavy weights Big Nuz and Bhar.